Searching on Google - Advanced Search Tricks

Searching on Google
We do often search lot of things in Google. Yeah Google is our main search engine, no doubt. But often we feel bad, when the search result not appeared properly as we wish. We said, "Google has lot of things from where I don't find mine". 

No, Actually the fault was not Google's. It was you who don't know how to filtering searches. Yeah definitely we need to filter the search results as there are tons of related things in Google and we need to find out a specific things. There are lot of tips about searching in net. Lot of well descriptive blogs are there. I just put here the basic methods. No description. I believe if you just try copy-paste the examples you will understand everything. So, there are no meaning to waste our time spending reading those descriptions.

  1. Explicit Phrase: "latest movies"
  2. Exclude Words:  latest movies -bollywood
  3. Site Specific Search: "latest movies", “latest movies
  4. Similar Words and Synonyms: "latest movies" ~films
  5. Specific Document Types: "latest movies" filetype:mp4
  6. This OR That: latest movies OR films
    (Note: The OR has to be capitalized).
  7. Phone Listing: phonebook:617-555-1212 (Note: the provided number does not work – you’ll have to use a real number to get any results).
  8. Numeric Ranges: president 1940..1950
  9. Stock (Ticker Symbol): PHPMF1 (A)
  10. Calculator: 48512 * 1.02
  11. Word Definitions: define:plethora
  12. Currency Exchange Rate: 1USD=?BDT, $1=tk?
  13. The Wildcard: “google purchased * for * dollars”
  14. Unit Conversions: 5 nautical miles in kilometers