Ask anyone who uses android
mobile the answer would be same to stay connected and browse the
internet, android is so well designed people started spending more time
on the mobile phone to chat, surf net, and read emails than on their
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With more and more time spent on the mobile to surf net comes the privacy concerns to clear up browsing history every now and then because people ain't want their personal browsing and other information to share with others, All the web browsers like chrome, firefox, safari, opera have a built in menu option to clear the browsing history but it always takes annoying 5 - 6 steps of navigation to go inside the menus and clear the browsing data.
HistoryEraser is a cool free app in android market place which does the job with just a single click, whats more it has an options to even clear your other mobile history such as
1. Clearing Android market search suggestions
2. Clear Call logs
3. Clear Frequently called Contact status
4. Clear Standard Browsing histories from browser etc and many more options see the below pic

Related Tags Website Tips and tricks Website Marketing Website HTML coding Search Engine Optimization Free SEO Tools, Webmaster
With more and more time spent on the mobile to surf net comes the privacy concerns to clear up browsing history every now and then because people ain't want their personal browsing and other information to share with others, All the web browsers like chrome, firefox, safari, opera have a built in menu option to clear the browsing history but it always takes annoying 5 - 6 steps of navigation to go inside the menus and clear the browsing data.
HistoryEraser is a cool free app in android market place which does the job with just a single click, whats more it has an options to even clear your other mobile history such as
1. Clearing Android market search suggestions
2. Clear Call logs
3. Clear Frequently called Contact status
4. Clear Standard Browsing histories from browser etc and many more options see the below pic

app has simple and straight forward interface easy to use buttons large
buttons and also single "Bomb" Button to wipe all the user mobile
privacy usage history in a single shot, to install this app visit
android market place and search for HistoryEraser without space, you can
also find few other similar apps out there with same name but this one
is said to be original so be careful before downloading and look for
user reviews
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