URL Shorteners are very useful service for bloggers. Because you can easily shorten long URLs into small URLs using these free URLs shortening services. These services are very popular now, because they are very useful and helpful for all internet users. I don’t know how much URL Shorteners providers are available on internet, but i collect all the available URL Shorteners, so that bloggers can take advantages from these services.
List of 230 URL Shorteners
- bit.ly
- tinyurl.com
- is.gd
- cli.gs
- pic.gd tweetphoto
- DwarfURL.com
- ow.ly
- yfrog.com
- migre.me
- ff.im
- tiny.cc
- url4.eu
- tr.im
- twit.ac
- su.pr
- twurl.nl
- snipurl.com
- BudURL.com
- short.to
- ping.fm
- Digg.com
- post.ly
- Just.as
- .tk
- bkite.com
- snipr.com
- flic.kr
- loopt.us
- doiop.com
- twitthis.com
- htxt.it
- AltURL.com
- RedirX.com
- DigBig.com
- short.ie
- u.mavrev.com
- kl.am
- wp.me
- u.nu
- rubyurl.com
- om.ly
- linkbee.com
- Yep.it
- posted.at
- xrl.us
- metamark.net
- sn.im
- hurl.ws
- eepurl.com
- idek.net
- urlpire.com
- chilp.it
- moourl.com
- snurl.com
- xr.com
- lin.cr
- EasyURI.com
- zz.gd
- ur1.ca
- URL.ie
- adjix.com
- twurl.cc
- s7y.us shrinkify
- EasyURL.net
- atu.ca
- sp2.ro
- Profile.to
- ub0.cc
- minurl.fr
- cort.as
- fire.to
- 2tu.us
- twiturl.de
- to.ly
- BurnURL.com
- nn.nf
- clck.ru
- notlong.com
- thrdl.es
- spedr.com
- vl.am
- miniurl.com
- virl.com
- PiURL.com
- 1url.com
- gri.ms
- tr.my
- Sharein.com
- urlzen.com
- fon.gs
- Shrinkify.com
- ri.ms
- b23.ru
- Fly2.ws
- xrl.in
- Fhurl.com
- wipi.es
- korta.nu
- shortna.me
- fa.b
- WapURL.co.uk
- urlcut.com
- 6url.com
- abbrr.com
- SimURL.com
- klck.me
- x.se
- 2big.at
- url.co.uk
- ewerl.com
- inreply.to
- TightURL.com
- a.gg
- tinytw.it
- zi.pe
- riz.gd
- hex.io
- fwd4.me
- bacn.me
- shrt.st
- ln-s.ru
- tiny.pl
- o-x.fr
- StartURL.com
- jijr.com
- shorl.com
- icanhaz.com
- updating.me
- kissa.be
- hellotxt.com
- pnt.me
- nsfw.in
- xurl.jp
- yweb.com
- urlkiss.com
- QLNK.net
- w3t.org
- lt.tl
- twirl.at
- zipmyurl.com
- urlot.com
- a.nf
- hurl.me
- URLHawk.com
- Tnij.org
- 4url.cc
- firsturl.de
- Hurl.it
- sturly.com
- shrinkster.com
- ln-s.net
- go2cut.com
- liip.to
- shw.me
- XeeURL.com
- liltext.com
- lnk.gd
- xzb.cc
- linkbun.ch
- href.in
- urlbrief.com
- 2ya.com
- safe.mn
- shrunkin.com
- bloat.me
- krunchd.com
- minilien.com
- ShortLinks.co.uk
- qicute.com
- rb6.me
- urlx.ie
- pd.am
- go2.me
- tinyarro.ws
- tinyvid.io
- lurl.no
- ru.ly
- lru.jp
- rickroll.it
- togoto.us
- ClickMeter.com
- hugeurl.com
- tinyuri.ca
- shrten.com
- shorturl.com
- Quip-Art.com
- urlao.com
- a2a.me
- tcrn.ch
- goshrink.com
- DecentURL.com
- decenturl.com
- zi.ma
- 1link.in
- sharetabs.com
- shoturl.us
- fff.to
- hover.com
- lnk.in
- jmp2.net
- dy.fi
- urlcover.com
- 2pl.us
- tweetburner.com
- u6e.de
- xaddr.com
- gl.am
- dfl8.me
- go.9nl.com
- gurl.es
- C-O.IN
- TraceURL.com
- liurl.cn
- MyURL.in
- urlenco.de
- ne1.net
- buk.me
- rsmonkey.com
- cuturl.com
- turo.us
- sqrl.it
- iterasi.net
- tiny123.com
- EsyURL.com
- urlx.org
- IsCool.net
- twitterpan.com
- GoWat.ch
- poprl.com
- njx.me
I hope these 230 URL Shorteners Services will be the useful list for you. Don’t forget to share your comments about the list and your favorite URL Shortener.
site : online news
Wow! that's a good idea. I am an seo expert. I need google url shortener for shoring urls. If you know another site, share.
Thank you
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I am using Geb.li URL Shortener because it allows the user to edit the destination after shortening.
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