Adding Color To Your HTML Web Page Table Background

HTML online page tables are used at intervals an online page to arrange content. they'll be displayed with background colours, with or borderless, and may contain rows and columns displayed in a limiteless range of the way.

For example, if you look toward the highest of this online page, right below the tabs, you'll see our navigational links displayed at intervals an HTML online page table with a gray background. we tend to use color table backgrounds throughout this net web site. 

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HTML Web Page Table

In this example, the HTML table below contains 2 columns and 1 row. The left column has the background color set to #72A4D2. The right column has the background color set to #EAE8E8.

This is an example of a table with background colors. This HTML table has 2 columns and 1 row.

<TD BGCOLOR="#72A4D2" WIDTH="10%"></TD>

Edit the text indicated in bold to suit your needs.

Using HTML online page tables with color backgrounds may be a good way to feature color to your sites while not using graphics.

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