Javascript Hosting Using Fileave

Hosting is a crucial half when using featured template. As you recognize, several templates for currently have a special feature that use javascript to perform it like slideshow feature or else. So, you would like to use your own file hosting to form your blog perpetually safe from crash. currently i will be able to guiding you to form your own file hosting account in

Plan for gratis account :
* 50MB Storage
* 1GB Monthly bandwidth

Main demand for gratis Account :
*You should login into fileave once a month to stay your account perpetually active

Here all step from making account till using your files :
1. Click "Sign Up" and answer all demand required. i believe you may not have any downside with registration proccess.
2. Login into your account.
3. realize "Click here to look at your files" link and click on it.
4. Click "Upload Files" button
5. Browse your file and click on "Upload" button.
6. Back to your files

For example, you're uploading the "jdgallery.js" file for Mahusay Template. you may get an immediate link of this file like this.

Just copy the direct link and place it into your template with javascript html format [See step 1 of Mahusay Instructions]. just my recomendation, you can use another web file hosting like or else.