This might be a surprise to the newbies of SEO, or even
perhaps to some seasoned bloggers. As we all know, SEO (Search Engine
Optimization) is all about link building to increase a blog’s visibility
in search engines. This includes link exchange, comments on other
blogs, forum posting, blog directories submission, article marketing,
and bookmarking.

But since Google’s new search algorithm called Panda on February this year to, the traditional SEO
is now beginning to fade away like a smoke. It proved on June this year
when Google updated PageRanks. Some have been disappointed about the
drops of their PRs from 5 to 3 or 3 to 0. Others were gratified by
acquiring a PR of 3 or 4 from 0 without doing any SEO.
I can also prove this based on my blogs. My other blog, Blogirature,
although more than a year old blog, only has 29 posts, without building
any links at all from other blogs. In short, no SEO whatsoever. On June
it acquired a PR of 1. My other blog called Beautiful Sites,
a nine-month-old blog, with only 13 posts, also acquired a PR of 1.
This also didn’t have any search marketing at all. The third blog called
The Soundtripper started on
May this year, although with a huge number of posts since it’s a music
download blog, it got a PR of 3 just last month, August. This blog, Cebu
and Davao, got a PR of 3 last June after doing SEO for more than a year
with 400 + posts. Now, tell me if I am just having an illusion or what.
This is not only based on my own observation. The statement that the
usual SEO is no more important comes from Google itself. I can’t
remember if Matt Cutts has said
this, but the other engineers of Google said something about the
importance of high quality contents, and that they no longer rank sites
according to number of backlinks, regardless of their relevancy. They,
however, still stated that backlinks are still important but not anymore
as what most web developers do: link exchange, forum signatures, blog
comments, and as what stated above. They didn’t say anything further
than that.
In my opinion, I think the PageRanks updates in June and August is
exactly what the Google engineers are talking about. The drops and the
increase of PRs speak for themselves.
To me this is good news for bloggers, because they don’t have to
worry much on how they can be seen on Google and other search engines.
They don’t have to worry about SEO anymore. What they need to focus more
is traffic while writing useful contents. And that’s it. Just focus on
traffic and write high quality contents, Google will do the rest.
To me PageRanks before are nothing but figures. They didn’t mean
anything more than how Internet users see them and how web developers
and bloggers want to mean them. Imagine, with billions of websites on
the World Wide Web, how can Google measure sites’ popularity according
merely through PageRanks?
Well, this is before, when PageRanks are measured through the number of backlinks of a site. PageRanks today is not as like in the old days.
Organic backlinks is still the best way and the only effective way on
how Google give you your well deserving PR. And that can be achieved by
writing highest quality content possible for your blog’s niche.
site : online news
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